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Happy Independence Day!​

We hope everyone had a sunny, food-filled, Americana day.


Here at MKN, the 4th of July is a summer favorite, with a series of events the kids always look forward to. 


We always start the day with our annual Tough Mudder. And this obstacle course is even tougher than it is muddy (and it's very, very muddy).

After breakfast and clean-up, the boys get ready and we call them down to the field one by one. They start and finish the Tough Mudder as a group - working together to complete each of the 45 stations! No one can start a new station until the whole team has completed the previous one. 

The challenges include: a wall climb, a huge tire drag, an army crawl in the mud, various sprints, a baby-pool jump, beach-ball-rolls, tire jumps, hammering nails into logs, and more.

The course - which spans 3.5 miles, ends with the big finale - each kid has to run and "slip and slide" to the finish line.


The Mudder is fun, exciting, and challenging, and it always ends with a very proud (albeit tired) group of campers! Luckily, they get to cool off, rinse off, and celebrate their victory at the lakefront, where everyone gathers to swim and play. The campers are also allowed to cheer on others once they've finished the course, and nothing feels better than "Tough-Mudding" to a cheering squad


Once everyone finishes the Tough Mudder, a much "easier" type of fun begins - our yearly Carnival.  Here, the kids play games like cup stacking, counselor dunking, and putt-putt games, and eat yummy food like hot dogs and snow cones.  

After the sun sets, we celebrate like the rest of the country with a beautiful fireworks show! 



Breakfast: Breakfast Bar.

Lunch/Dinner: Tough Mudder on-the-go and 4th of July cookout!

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