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SATURDAY 7/15/23











HIGH: 82°F

LOW:  64°F

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We were so happy to welcome many of you parents yesterday, and overjoyed to be able to deliver a sunny and beautiful Mah-Kee-Nac day!


We hope you enjoyed walking around campus, hugging your boys, watching them play Tramp Ball, jumping into the lake, trying out the ropes course and tennis courts and more. 


After visiting day, we held our yearly shaving cream party. The boys got as dirty (or clean?) as possible, covering their faces, hair and bodies with shaving cream from head to toe. After they were thoroughly foamed up, they jumped in the lake and rinsed off.


From there, we began our annual "world record" attempt. This year, we're going for the longest handball game in history. This sport is like a mix of soccer and basketball. All campers and counselors pitch in to keep the game going non-stop. We made it all the way through the afternoon and night, but had to call it off at 6:30 a.m. because of rain. We'll pick it back up tomorrow. 

  • Breakfast: Bagel & Lox

  • Lunch: Buffet 

  • Dinner: Pizza

Luke Gorchov

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