SATURDAY 6/29/24

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Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwiches and quiches.
Lunch: Breaded chicken sandwich and fries.
Dinner: Pizza night
We've officially finished one week of camp and are moving into week two.
It's probably felt slow to some of you parents at home, missing your boys, but for the happy and busy campers here, it's gone by in a FLASH!
We had some clouds and a bit of a drizzle today, but our regular activities mostly went as planned with a few exceptions (we steer clear of the waterfront with any chance of storms). The kids moved into the dining hall for some creative costuming and game playing (see pics).
MKNN (Mah-Kee-Nac News), our broadcasting, podcasting, animation, & all media platform show is starting tomorrow, and can't wait to share it with you!! The Opening Ceremonies video has already been posted, and keep your eye on that page for more to come!
And we saw some beautiful familial connections with our Brother Sister lunch with Camp Danby. It's pretty sweet to see siblings who sometimes take each other for granted at home get so psyched up to be reunited!

Will Patterson